How to make something in Blender like this image??

I have been tasked to create this in 3D…:eek:…and I honestly don’t know where to start. Does anyone have any suggestions?

(Just the background image)

Thanks again

How using the program it was created in, Apophysis. Look around for tutorials, for example on deviantArt.

This is not an easy thing to do in blender!

you could look into using particles and settung up force fields…

Blender particles are not great for this though … you’d need to use vector blur and you cannot get long trails easily…

If you wanted something that looks like this but the light trails are static and the camera just moves through it you could use curves and either use a circle for teh cross section or bevel them… texture them with wisps…

in post you could use a blur and a glow filter…

you may be able to get somethig like this rendering volumetric procedurals but this would be hard!

yeh possible alright with the new particle system but my advice is AE for this kinda thing

I was thinking that this might be pretty difficult in Blender and the best route is AE, but obviously I want to know what options are available out there.

Your request reminded me of some tutorials on . I’m not skilled enough to help you directly but these tut’s might suggest an answer. Good luck.


I would use a combination of the best parts of what Blender has to offer. Make the main globes with a high emit; ramp color white with red around the fringe.

Use ‘extrude’ to make starting spikes coming off the globes.

Add a globe as a hair partical system for the close-in tendrils. Make the material electric blue. Put it on a separate render layer and use gausian blur in the nodes. Use various effectors to make the ‘hair’ shift around. You can also control and animate the hair tendrils with curve guides. You can even rotate the ‘hair’ globe itself.

make a globe hidden inside each main globe. Make it electric blue. Make a sequence of extruded faces forming some of the main tendrils. Use bones to animate them with scaling and rotation movement. Use subsurf to round them. Make the bones scale independently to make these tendrils undulate. Render them in a separate layer and use gausian blur.

I used to like this program called ChaosPro. Or maybe it was another one… lazy to download and check.

Also, this isn’t News. It’s sort of support request (the main thing you shouldn’t post here).