How to make "Surf" near land edge

I have followed Colin Litster’s tutorial on making an ocean. I have ocean that meets land. Where the ocean meets the land in the animtion waves just go right through. Is there a way to make a mask or something so that all the water near the shore shows up with crests? or at least white?
Hopefully I explained this correctly. Let me know if you don’t understand.
Thanks for your time,


in real life, some of the water melts into the sand, and some runs back into the sea. the remnants (foam) is left on the beach, and it too melts away as the bubbles burst. So, I would think you need to model those three things happening to get ‘to the next step’.

Maybe an alphamap will help. However this has to be remade for every “lake”.

Please excuse the extreme ignorance…what is and how do I make an alpha map? THanks.

it’s a texture, mapped to Alpha channel (second row, third button in). Things black in the texture are invisible in the material/scene. Things white are opaque, with shades of transparency with everything in between.

To see a quick evample, insert a plane with a red material and render it. cute, eh? now apply a wood texture, but instead of Col(or), map it to alpha. Render again. wierd, eh?

This isn’t what you are looking for but I did a little test of a surf wave