How to make the object align automatically according to spline curvature

I want to make a rope with two hooks on both ends, the hooks must automatically align along the spline while its curvature changes (see picture). Is there a simple way to achieve this?
I solved this by using nodes, but should be a simpler method.

Nope… nodes are easiest and most consistent way to do it without involving scripts.

For a non-script alternative you can use the curve modifier on duplicate objects where one is transformed along the deform axis. For this to work the curve should always be the same length:

e.g. here the 1st cone is set to Deform Axis -Z and the 2nd one is transformed along Z by ~2:

Alternative to transforming the 2nd cone you can use a Follow Path constraint setup something like this (no Curve Modifier used):

So, GN is the winner.

Good luck.