how to make this random glitter?

i think I’ve asked similar question before, but this time, there is no lighting (well… supposedly)
what i’m aiming for, is a similar scene like the photo (i’m doing animation),
from the top, it rotates the camera downlards, and there is the words ‘merry christmas’ with snow setting on it,
i’ve figured the settings for particle settings for the snow falling, and i think i should just use plain diffuse for the material, but how do i get that kinda background;
and more importantly how do i do that half present glowing effect? (the round circles), i mean maybe the focal length? but how can i do it without any physical lights?
thankyou!, and merry Christmas if you are reading this post near Christmas time

The ‘circle’ effect can be done using depth of field, Cycles has a built in depth of field feature that can be applied at rendertime while BI has an option that allows use of the ‘defocus’ compositor node.

As for your snow material question, you already asked this in another forum so I answered there.

Those circles and the overall effect is achieved through the use of DoF (Depth of Field). In Blender there are various ways to achieve it and there are many many tutorials out there, just look for DoF…

i made it in time for chirstmax

Would love to see just what you came up with!