Just a quick question. Im making a car pursuit and I have made this car now except the window glass. I tried alpha setting and some other, but it won’t work. How do I make car windows?
In the render pipeline you have to select the ztransp button for the alpha to work
Can’t seem to find it… Can you tell more precisely?
You should read a bit more and experiment with the buttons you will be surprised by how much blender can do. In the materials button you will find a dialog box called links and pipeline directly below you will see a heading render pipeline and the button you are looking is there in that group of buttons. Hope this helps.
Download Sonix´ Car material library blend file. http://www.free-webspace.biz/sonix/
It´s got everything you need for your car, including tinted glass. Import the glass material via Shift+F1>Sonic File>material> then the glass type.
Press the F5 key. Click the “Materials” button (looks like a red ball). Find the Links and Pipeline pane. Under “render pipeline”, click the ZTransp button.