How to make viewport visibility be driven by object selection

Hi, I’m working with several human models with rigify armatures and am wondering if there’s a way I could make this behavior:

Selecting one of the armature will cause every other armatures to be hidden in the viewport. Unselecting will unhide all other armatures so you are able to select a different one. Better yet, be able to define other objects to be hidden as well when you select an armature so you’re focused on posing.

I don’t want their meshes to be hidden just their rigs. Rigify rigs can be very complex on the screen and having multiple characters with their rigs can become very busy when you’re posing. While posing, I sometimes go back and forth between two rigs to make adjustments, and I’d rather not manually hide rig B, select rig A, pose rig A, unhide rig B, hide rig A, select rig B, pose. I’d rather it be, select rig B, pose, select rig A, pose, with the hiding/unhiding automatically happening when you select one. I know you can isolate bone collections but this isn’t really what I’m looking for.

Thanks in advance.