a plane that moves in x and y direction when you move the mouse?
-I know it’s possible because I had a file of something like that but I
–deleted it and now I need it…
I have a first persone demo
And a script
# Mouse Cursor
import GameLogic
import Rasterizer
# Get the dimensions of the game window
ww = Rasterizer.getWindowWidth()
wh = Rasterizer.getWindowHeight()
# calculate the aspect (in full screen the aspect of CRT)
aspest = float(wh)/ww
# the next value you have to count from the grid in Blender...
c = GameLogic.getCurrentController()
sensorlist = c.getSensors()
sensor = sensorlist[0]
mousesensor = sensorlist[0]
owner = c.getOwner()
# I use properties for debugging purpose (use wireframe for it)
owner.x = float(mousesensor.getXPosition()-ww/2)/ww*actionx
owner.y = float(mousesensor.getYPosition()-ww/2)/ww*actiony
#Set the position of the Crosshair directly (see SCA, there is no Actuator)
Mebe it can help you .
It helped me(the demo is jump and moves included)
I need something like if I move the mouse in x or y direction that
the plane on the screens moves too… Just like someone has parented a plane
to a mouse or somethin’.
Copy the text in the Window and save it as a txt formate and open it in blender.(the script window)And set when mouse move then it will run the script It wll work