How to map multiple objects using only 1 uv layout for them all?

Hello fellow blenders,

I’ve modelled a vehicle that consists of couple of separate objects. For example the chassis, steering wheel and engine are all separate objects of the vehicle. I only need to use just 1 texture for the whole vehicle, which means that I need to map all of those parts into one single uv layout. What is the easiest/best/most efficient way of doing just that?

It is nearly impossible to adjust each of the objects’ uv’s when you don’t see the rest of the object uv’s at the same time.

Use the consolidate function of the Texture Paint Plus addon

Thanks for the reply. I’ll take a look in that.

Each object will need UV map on its own. The trick is how to integrate all of them in one texture image, so that they don’t overlap, and each UV has given area. With Unreal Engine they do that by segregating area. Do the same. Setup your texture file with different area with different color. And UV unwrap each object in to given color area at a time: here is how Unreal map is set.