How to model a hexagon prism with walls in honeycomb pattern

Hi all,

Very, very new to blender and would appreciate your patience with me. I worked for two days straight for this without success and did several web searches, watched many youtube videos that were remotely related.

I would like to build a hexagon prism with walls of honeycomb mesh. I can do the first part easy by adding a cylinder with 6 vertices. I can also create the honeycomb mesh from the extras addon. However, I cannot combine these two. I tried shrinkwrapping the honeycomb mesh around the hexagon prism, but it doesn’t wrap around. I tried another addon to “tesselact” I believe was the term, for this purpose but it distorted the honeycomb pattern. I tried bending the honeycomb mesh 360 degrees, but then it becomes a cylinder. What am I missing and why is this so hard?

Thanks for your time. I would appreciate if you can either attach a blender file or provide detailed explanation for dummies (me).

can you show some pic of what you want
so we can better understand the topo for your model

happy bl

Please see below what inspired me for attempting this. I just wanted to test myself to see if I can reproduce this model in blender but failed doing so even before reaching to the stage of twisting the walls about 90 degrees between the bottom and top. I hope the picture is adequate to represent what I am trying to reproduce. At this stage, I would be content having this modeled without the rotation stated above and seen in the actual item.

I would make one wall first.

If you look at your reference the hex pattern is actually a square with a hexagonal hole inside.

So add a plane, cut an edge loop in the middle and use the inset tool (I key) to inset.

Delete the centre faces and use the loop tools add-on to circle the inside and get the hexagon shape.

Once you have one “hole” as shown at the lower left give it 2 array modifiers, one to get the width and one the height of the wall.

Apply the array modifiers and in edit mode select all and merge the vertices by distance (m key).

Add a solidify modifier to get some thickness.

Now duplicate the wall five times, each time you duplicate rotate 60Âş on the z axis and snap it to the end of the last one. Once you are done select all and merge by distance again.

To get the twist simply use proportional editing set to linear falloff and select and turn the top row of vertices.

Maybe someone can come up with a simpler method but I think it is a little tricky however you do it.


Thank you so much! You made it look simple actually. I cant’ wait to try this when I get home tonight!

I just realised that I should have said “linear” instead of “constant” for proportional editing. I have corrected the previous post


Thanks for the follow up. I actually realized it and should have corrected it here, but got lazy I guess. I thought smooth proportional editing also did a decent job. Thank you so much again!