I tried to make something similar to what you’re achieving. sidewalk.blend (971.2 KB)
Probably it’s not perfect.
If you have to be really really precise, probably it’s not the best to create two curves for the sides because it’s not sure to match the other surfaces.
But if you can overlap something, I think it could work.
In any case, I’m quite interested to see other more “procedural” way.
Thought it would be fun to assemble a ‘two-rail lofter’ with GN…
My advise is to do it by hand. It doesn’t need to be very precise, just to follow the rest of the terrain as close as 2 to 4 cm should be enough. That should be something that someone can do in a few minutes without any brain damage.
Road works aren’t perfect, and if your 3d is, then it will look fake. Doing it by hand will add some imperfections to the ramp, and with a good material, it will look natural.
Hmm… i just discovered that using a surface may be helpful ( Thanks to this question …also “promoting” it a bit ). But i didn’t used the usual nurbs (above) but convert it from a bezier (Convert Bezier to Surface) via the Curve Tools addon (beneath) and a one loop delete. This seems to be somehow simpler to edit :