Hey guys, I made this empy object to serve as a “group” header in the outliner.
But when I select multiple objects (in the outliner) that I want to move to this empty (as sub-objects)… it only moves one object at a time… Even though I selected multiple objects (shift select on the icon)…
How can I not only select…but actually MOVE all the objects at the same time in the outliner?
When selecting multiple things in the outliner, select the parent thing last. But move the mouse over a 3D view window (for focus), and use the control-P command from there. That’ll bring up the menu for parenting in the 3D view and make the last selected the parent. (At least that works with the 2.7x hotkeys)
Yeah I could see where it’d make sense to have that command available from the outliner, but doesn’t seem to be there by default. At least with some modest adjustment in doing stuff, it’s not too big a hindrance to workflow.
THank you for your answers guys… That workaround works fine.
But it still surprises me that you cant just drag and drop multiple items under a partent/empy object in the outliner.
I work a lot with photoshop…and its really easy with photoshop. THen again… that works with layers and folders and stuff…not exaclty the same. But hopefully it will be more like this in the upcoming Blender…