How To Numerically Average Images?

I want to average together the pixel values of ~30 images. I don’t see any simple way to do this. I could use the Composite Node to do this but because it only accepts two images at a time I would have to change the Alpha value after averaging in each image. The first two images would use an Alpha of 0.5, the next one of 0.33333, the next one of 0.25, and so on. There must be something obvious I’m missing.


Add them all together using Mix nodes with add mode, then divide in the end with the number of images you have. As Mix node does not have divide op (if I remember correctly), use SeparateRGB and CombineRGB to split the channels and divide each channel separately using Math node.

Yup. With node wrangler addon enabled, also fast to do.

ctrl+numpad_+ to add the selected, ctrl+numpad_/ to divide selected.

Perhaps you could achieve this with Dynamic paint as well?