Hello everyone! what a nice website I’m wondering how we can randomly offset points we scattered along a curve
(for example with the curve to point node)
I want to create some sort of slider that randomly offset my scattered points following the curve (offsetting them backward or forward along the curve), I don’t understand how to do that.
It’s even more tricky than I think because I want the tangent/normal/radius attribute of the points to still be accurate to the curve even after the offset…
Evaluated just converts in this case Bezier curve to regular poly curve.
Its just with evaluated you will get more even results that won’t depend on Bezier curve handles.
The result is different, since setting spline type won’t change the number of points.
Resampling in Evaluated mode is like converting the geometry created by a spline into polyspline(?) Taking into account the resolution and all.
The points of such spline are not “equidistant”, but more numerous (in a more optimal way than with Count Mode), and it makes some operations on such spline more… precise?