hi guys! When i try to use ‘g’ key in 3dcursor mode, it doesn’t work. I can only use right mouse click, than i can use snapping on z axis. but it’s not accurate! the cursor moves when i click on it…How can i do that?

hi guys! When i try to use ‘g’ key in 3dcursor mode, it doesn’t work. I can only use right mouse click, than i can use snapping on z axis. but it’s not accurate! the cursor moves when i click on it…How can i do that?
As you have done, put it to that selected edge, then, select the other edge, make a note of it’s Z position, (you can even ctrl+c to copy it), go into the numeric panel, find the 3d cursor position and set the Z to the same value.
Well you can’t very well snap to nothing, now can you?
3D Cursor active tool is not complete.
There are still some ToDos for it.
When, locks will be present in topbar, you will be free to initiate a movement without shifting.
thanks! xyz controls next to cursor will solve the problem!)
what do you mean ?
is there any video on this ?
you could also use the snapping verts or edge !
happy bl