How to put holes in rigged object

I have a character model that I need to put holes in, the boolean modifier would be perfect for this, but it doesn’t keep weight painting (and I’d ideally like to have vertices with interpolated weights in the holes);
Is there a way to do this where I don’t have to manually repaint the weights?

If you change the mesh you have to re-weight paint it.

If you take and re-parent the mesh to the Bones you can still use auto-weights, and that doesn’t take but a few seconds to do…

Better to tell the original OP so he gets a notification, instead of me…

and…btw I gave the simple answer not the complex…
But at least he has a choice

See @Umut_Islam_Falah 's answer that was sent to me…

duplicate character mesh, make edits for holes, weight transfer from original

select original mesh then select editted mesh, go ight paint mode, in weight menu “weigth transfer”

settings shoul be like this

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sorry for my mistake

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@Toilet_Paper I agree that’s one of the best ways to go about it. Alternatively, know you can copy weights in edit mode very easily from active vertex to selected vertices, using the sidebar panel “vertex weights”.

This This worked perfectly, thanks, I probably should have expected something like this to exist

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