How to re-use pre-made shape keys ?

Hey all,

Since im converting most of my work from 3Ds Max to blender, I found this problem of
how to get all my morph targets assigned to the same mesh without re-modeling it all.

I can only find information on how to setup shape keys and I understand u take a head
then a basic shape key, then a key1 and you would start modeling … but what if you
already have a mesh that is modelled the way u like it, and you just wanna through it
on top of the Basic shape key ?

Hope it made sense !?


You will have to use a python script which is included with blender.

  • Pretty much, split your screen in half select “Scripts WIndow”
  • Create a base key for your mesh.
  • Select your mesh, followed by shift selecting the mesh you want to copy the shape of.
  • In the The “scripts window” select Scripts - Mesh - RVK1 to RVK2.

(repeat last two step to add more shapekeys.)

Hej Calvin,

Thank you so much for your reply, was very useful indeed (!!!) You got me interested in
scripts now :wink:
