How to recreate a photo of planet earth using the Physical Starlight and Atmosphere Addon

Hi! I’m an intermediate Blender user and would like to recreate this image from ESA Astronaut Paolo Nespoli.
I would use the PSA Addon I already purchased.
If I move the ground plane really high up (50000m) the atmosphere already looks right. So far so good.
But how would I set up the Earth itself? And how can I position it correctly? Because creating a sphere with the Earths diameter makes the scene impossible to navigate.
Maybe someone here already created renders like this and can point me in the right direction.

​Scenes with astronomical size have minimal parallax and can be faked in the compositing stage. Usually it’s matte paint or a simple image. There are few cases that actually have a big sphere but it’s not physically accurate.

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You might want to ask in this thread because users using this and the authors might have a look ?

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Thanks for the tip!
But it looks like the thread and actually the whole addon was abandoned a while ago. One of the last questions from 2023 was practically the same question and nobody answered yet…

Ups… sorry i wasn’t aware of that… ( there was some “heated” discusion about the “usefullness” of that addon and the devs said somthing about very accurate and needed… well… or i’m mixing this up i didn’t followed this too much but remembered that there was this thread :sweat_smile: )

But nevertheless: you payed for this… and according to their BlenderMarket page:

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