How to remove gold reflections in diamond

i am rendering this in cycles, but the refractions of gold on diamond through transmission or whatever makes it less attractive. how can i avoid this ?

i have already tried light path and transparent bsdf mix shader method but it isn’t working.



For best control you’ll need to do this in a compositor ( either Blender or some other software, depending on workflow).

This is a diamond showing the gold in its refractiona and reflections, similar to your issue.

By rendering out the Diamond and gold separately you can selectively switch off certain render properties, specifically the Glossy and Transmission render passes of the gold parts, and, make them hold out:

This gives a ‘clean’ diamond pass.

In another pass you make the diamond Hold-out but leave the Gold passes all checked ( as per usual).

this gives the gold all the reflections of the diamond and itself.

Finally these two passes are combined:

Here I’ve done it all in Blender.

I’ve used several Scenes in this file to allow me to automatically generate all these passes in one go, but that’s only a convenience. The attached file might not make sense to you if you are unfamiliar with how Scenes work. . .

as in . . .

but if you open the compositor tab and press F12 then it should automatically render everything for you to see.


Zipped file as it’s over 5Mb [ the forum limit ]
Diamond& (4.2 MB)

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It worked perfectly. Thank you so much for your valuable time, i appreciate so much that you also provided file along with solution. i am so much thankful :pray:

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Blender is using Zstandard for a while now (if enabled) which is even more effective than Zip :


You’re right, but it was not checked ON in my blender defaults. Doh.

Although in this case it still wouldn’t have been sufficient as it came in at 5.1Mb after I tried again. C’est la vie.

Thanks for the heads up though.


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