How to remove wire from custom bones

some custom bones have wire and some not

Hi, i presumes you are referring to wireframe display.

no no i want the custom bones be like in the second pic without those edges like in ther first pic its annoying

Uncheck wireframe that will then look solid.
Or post a link to the file.

they show those wires cuz they small if they big like in the arm u cant see wires
but how i can remove them from small too >.<
and file is too big

delete all items just leave the objects with wire and post here.

rig.blend (3.4 MB)

The original custom shapes are no longer available, so there is no way that i know of to revers the wire to solid.
Do you have the original custom shapes in another file?
If you have the original shapes select them in edit mode and change> Faces>tries to Quads.

nope it doesn’t help

like i said its cuz when u scale the bone too small it showing wires
rig.blend (3.3 MB)
its annoying
i have alot of controls on the hand and they are small all those wires making mess

You could try making create a new shape and replace the old one?
Other wise i have run out of ideas.

any way ty for the help

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Its probably the blender limitation for very small objects?
You can scale up the rig then that disappears but that might not be your best choice?

ya batter stick to real dementions otherwise i need to scale every thing in the scane every time

tbh … for me this is a bug in Blender. I would file a bug report.

I know this is no solution (but hopefully in the future, if they repair it), but just because you scale something and it changes its appearance - that’s a bug for me.

Hi, folks.

I think it’s a Glitch indeed.

In the last file, I found that, on Pose Mode, the “Cube” Bone Pose is not Scale-Reset; actually, the glitch occurs whenever the Bone with the Custom Shape/Widget gets Downscaled (on Pose Mode), beyond a certain threshold; about 1/100 of the default Scale Value, so, 1.000 / 100 = 0.010 Downscale will break the Widget display and gruadually, forcefully start presenting its Wireframe). :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Well, just make sure all your Bones on Pose Mode are properly Reset. Be Toggling between Edit Mode & Pose Mode, for the Armature Object, in order to compare; but in principle, just use Alt+S on Pose Mode and verify the Transform Panel for the default Local Coordinates.