How to render a texture with node result (no bake, no uvUnwarp)

In 3Dmax, i can directly render a texture result link with node, no need to bake or UV unwarp, then i can directly import the updated bpr texture to unreal, but i don’t know how to do it in blender.

As far as I know, there is no function like the one shown in the video. :thinking:

Hi, I’m not sure if I understand what I am seeing, but are you needing to adjust an image texture and output a revised image texture or are you wanting to render a procedural texture to image?

I use the compositor to output edits of image textures by using a viewer node and saving the image result of Viewer Node in the image editor.

yes, i want to adjust an image texture and output a revised image texture for use, so you mention do it in compositor, but i found that i cant copy the existing node from shader editor to compositor, can you explain clearly how to do it?

Yes, add a new Image Texture node and choose the relevant image texture to open, connect it to the Viewer Node and between them add your desired color adjustment nodes, mask nodes, alternate image nodes to overlay, etc.

Once your backdrop looks as you want, then save the Viewer Node output in the Image Editor to a new file name and then open it in your shader if you want to test there

It is the same as the process of the image.
It’s just that the software doesn’t support the same functionality.

You can modify the image imported into the plane using the same material and bake it and save it.

※ Importing an image into a plane is due to the fact that no aspect ratio deformation of the image occurs.

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“no aspect ratio deformation of the image occurs.”

so every time i have to build a same ration plane for bake???

For example the texture is 2046x2046 pixel, how big of the plane i should build??
pixel is not same as 3D object Meter unit.

Thank you for your advice and tutorial photo. The reason i need this function because i can directly render a updated texture with node for some small-capacity model files, no need spend time to unwarp UV and bake, directly export PBR to glb or unreal for use. I really hope there will be an addon can support this function in the future.


  1. The feature brings the image to match the horizontal and vertical size and creates a plane.
    The size of the plane is meaningless. All we need is an image.

  2. The method is to bake and save an existing image into an image modified by a node.
    You can both use the same materials.

Test it with the attached file

rwq.blend (1.9 MB)

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I added functions in my Draw2Paint addon to be able to pass an image directly to the Compositor and bring it back to the same node tree in the Shader Editor. The manual switch is the 2Compositor/2Shader button.

With the image node selected, the press of Image2Compositor sends the image to a new image node connected to the viewer node and turns on the backdrop if not already active.

Then you add what you want in the chain for editing the copy image in the Compositor, and then press Compositor2Image to send the result to a new Image Node in the Shader editor. You can then connect that to use it where you want. To save it, you will need to pack it in file or save to a directory location using the Image Editor.

My thread here on BA is here.