How to render sharp images in blender 2.49

Hi everybody, i’ve modelled and textured a spaceship but when I render the file, i found it less sharper than in the render preview. is there any way of getting the same sharpness as in the render preview? CAN someone help me please?


Are you using subsurf modifiers? if so, check that the render and preview values of subsurf are the same.

The fuzziness can be do to Anti-Aliasing setting. Play with it. The setting is found under Render.

ridix is not too far off. It´s the texture filtering.

Assuming you use 2.5x under your materials texture settings you see “Image Sampling”
Turn off “MIP Map” and turn off “Interpolation” this gives you a sharp mapping of the texure, but might call aliasing due to bad texture mapping. You can turn Interpolation back on, and play with the various filter methods offered and the filter size.

Yeah, okay, got it:) i just turned off anti-aliasing:) thanks a lot for helping guys, thanks:):slight_smile: