How To Render?

Hello, complete Blender newbie here.

I’m trying to render something, but the rendered view is completely blank.

I can see the object in the perspective viewport, but when I click on Render -> Render Image, that viewport doesn’t get rendered.

How the heck do I tell Blender to render this viewport instead, and not some random camera pointing into empty space?


Too little info

Some initial info that is lacking
What renderer ?
If cycles renderer cpu or gpu ?
If gpu, what graphics card etc
Does your scene have lights ?
Is your camera pointing at something ?
Have you chaged render layers ?
Have you something in the video sequencer without disabled rendering from it ?

Supply a download link to your .blend file so we can see what you have (this should be supplied for ALL support questions)

How the heck do I tell Blender to render this viewport instead, and not some random camera pointing into empty space?
The render button renders the camera view. You’re supposed to point it in the direction od the thing you want to render !
To render the viewport (lower quality then using the render button) use the OpenGL render button on the 3d view header

I suggest you start watching some of the basic tutorials on youtube or read the manual (link in the blender help menu)

Thanks, I tried watching some tutorial videos, but when you load in some custom Blender model, all the windows are re-arranged differently, so I become completely lost.
Rendering is set to “Cycles Render”. I see nothing listed as GPU or CPU.

But, there’s one question I need to understand. The Render -> Render Image button. Is this button always linked to a camera? Never a viewport?

I can change the viewport to the active camera, but I don’t know to zoom in or change where’s it’s pointing to.
As soon as I click in the camera view, it jumps straight back to the user view.

Check where your camera is in the 3D viewport. To find it, go into the Outliner (top right window with a collapsible list of all objects) and click on Camera. That will highlight it in the 3D viewport. You might have to zoom out to see it. When you do, check that it points at your scene’s objects. Next, find your Lamp in the Outliner and make sure it’s between your objects and the camera, not too far away. Now hit the Render button and see if that makes your objects visible in the final image. Once you get to that point, go into the lamp properties and play with the settings to get familiar with what they do. Just make changes and hit Render.

Have fun and don’t pull out any hair!

Thanks, I fixed my problem!

I noticed there wasn’t a camera listed in the Outliner. So, I added one.
I set as the active camera, and Render -> Render Image now works as expected.

I would marked this thread as solved, but I can’t seem to find it.

Here it is:
Edit Post -> GO ADVANCED -> Prefix -> [SOLVED].