So I have a mesh with weights that belongs to a certain pose of an armature, I want to bind it to the armature with the aramture modifier, but since the mesh was from a pose, using the armature modifier will corrupt the mesh. Also the armature has lots of transformation so reset the pose is not possible for me.
Is there a way to bind the armature modifier as ‘current state’, without deform the mesh or reset the armature? Or any alternative? Thanks
Maybe this technique can help, being part of a bigger solution involving many steps:
You’d need to Set Parent To Armature Deform With Empty Groups.
This methods allows the preservation of the original Weights (Vertex Groups) of the Mesh Object that will get Parented.
This would mean you could fix the irregular Weights more peacefully; perhaps, with a Mirror Modifier, you’d get easier time Symmetrizing the Vertex Groups.
I’m not sure about this part, but assuming your Skeleton has a T-Pose Rest Position (Edit Mode), which is identical or at least mostly equivalent to its Rest Pose (Pose Mode), then,
starting from this assumption, I believe you should indeed Pose the Skeleton on Pose Mode to match the Model; then use the Parenting Operator I’ve mentioned previously, and then you just have to Reset the Skeleton Pose on Pose Mode.
This is not a case in which you’d use Rest Position Radio Button from Skeleton Panel, because you’re trying to match Armature+Mesh Objects which are non-conforming —as it would be the case, if you were Rigging Clothes which shapes would be already Modelled/Sculpted in order to match the Rest Position of both the Character Mesh Object and Armature Object on their respective Rest Positions.
Thanks for reply, but unfortunately most of the bones in my armature were transfromed at pose mode, in which set the empty group parent or add armature modifier makes the mesh deform all over the screen.
I found an aIternative is create a applied pose armature and constrain every bone to main armature. But that sounds very hacky, I feel there is a better solution…