If I want to rig a jacket on a character, for example, that is already rigged how do I go about it if I want to have great control. Great example is Miles morales in the, Spider-Man into the spider-reverse, film. The character there has a shirt and jacket on top of the character. I bet they simulated the clothes on the character. But I if i want to rig it, I want to have greater control. I thought about using a mesh deformer in order to attach it to the character but how do I additional bones the jacket that is already attached to the character? Is it possible? So essentially how do I rig a mesh (for the jacket) that is attached to another mesh via mesh deformer? I hope I defined the problem clearly.
You shouldn’t need additional bones or a mesh deform- you can parent the base mesh, the shirt, and the jacket all to the armature. I would be very surprised if they used cloth simulation for normal clothing in Spiderverse, that’s not standard animation practice. Pixar published a research paper about the clothing in Coco, for example, where they use the exact method I describe for normal clothing, no simulation. Obviously, things like skirts are a little more complicated but those are usually rigged as well.
These are three separate cylinders, no modifiers or deforms, with different scales, on top of each other. All parented to the same armature. This is essentially a arm/shirt/jacket setup.
Any additional deforms that would need made would be done through shape keys
Thanks for answering but what I want is not just have the meshes be controlled by an armature that is easy but also have the outer mesh have its own controls besides it following the mesh from below. For example have jacket reacting to strong wind, going up and down, while the mesh below remains static.
See how the jacket is deforming in the second and third screenshots? Over on the right, you can see that shape key values are what are doing that deformation. This is an advantageous method because it’s significantly faster and easier to animate than simulation