How to rotate a mesh using a curve modifier and drivers without deformations

Hey, This is because your not using the correct/proper set-up. I described how you should do it and I provided you with a file so you could see first hand. I really don’t know what else to tell you, If I do it for you, your not learning anything. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
DISCLAIMER: This file created in version 2.76, if using 2.7x it will open fine - if using 2.8x,
APPEND the objects from the ‘OBJECT’ folder.

OK @ajcdfin First thank you as I finally could get the project working as you may see in the attached blend file.
Second you must know that I cannot work without understanding what I am doing and why! On this project I was kind of dumb because the curve modifier seems to be programmed in a very strange way… but this is another matter.
So I finally understood your method to drive a deformed mesh during translation on a path…
That was not intuitive to me and I am sorry if I have upset you by my slowness to get it… Thanks again and maybe one day I’ll be able to help on what I do well…
Have a great one… 282 GFF tire wheel 02-3-09.blend (1.4 MB)

Hey, You have not upset me, I’m hard to upset. The thing is, You are not understanding what I’m saying or doing in the files I’ve posted. Take for example your latest file you posted, 282 GFF tire wheel 02-3-09.blend, this is nothing like the most recent file I provided you. You have used ‘path animation’ - which is fine if you want to do it that way, but you have much less control - I did not do that in any of my files. You have animated the armature its self and not the bone, thats not the way it works. All you really need to do is replicate what I have done in the last file -minus the animation. Study that file I provided closely, then you will be able to hopefully understand how this works, its not so much the ‘curve’ modifier thats throwing you off, its ‘curves’ in general, they are not like mesh objects. Keep at it, you will get there eventually…

Hi @ajcdfin you’re right I did not do exactly as you did provide in your file, I had to understand the workflow and not to copy your model but to reproduce it knowing that it had to work. From what you just said, I get that I still missed points in your example and I’ll work on that…; But anyway your help was key to get me passing that step… for my project. I’ll keep working to understand what I am missing with curves… Have a great one…

Well I did parent to bone to the curve as follow curve… In you last file you had also the bone parented to the curve as a follow curve… No?