Accidentally I filmed a ACVHD movie in portrait in stead of landscape format.
In the VLC player I can transform the video from landscape to portrait.
However I can not figure out how to save this result (in m2ts).
How can I do this?
Accidentally I filmed a ACVHD movie in portrait in stead of landscape format.
In the VLC player I can transform the video from landscape to portrait.
However I can not figure out how to save this result (in m2ts).
How can I do this?
You have to convert your video file with Media > Advanced Open File > Add (your file) > Change from Play to Convert and in Settings your codec, with the Tools button > Video Codec > Resolution, you could change Ratio.
You could also google for convert with VLC.
Cheer, mib.
I am able to convert videos with VLC. I have converted the m2ts file in to an mp4 file. It was not possible to “convert” from m2ts to m2ts.
More problematic is that the transform is lost in the conversion process. Because the VLC player uses the original file and not the transformed video which it is playing.
Is there any hope to solve this problem with the VLC player?
Is Blender not an option for you? Transform and Crop in the VSE?
I tried the VLC player because I thought it was fast and easy.
Now I am trying the Blender Video Sequence Editor.
So far I have rotated the movie and changed the render resolution to 1280 x 720. (dashed line).
To achieve this (the rotation) I added a Transform Effect Strip.
Now I want to change the resolution to 720 x 1280. Once I do this the movie gets distorted.
How do I continue in order to get my rotated video?
I wouldn’t think you’d be able to do much editing with a player app. However, if ur on windows, find a copy of VirutalDub-MPEG. Load up the video, add a filter called rotate, pick the output codec of your choice (AVI only, AFAIK) and same with audio, then go to file>save avi and voila!
I use the Panasonic Photo Fun Studio viewer to watch movies and photo’s in the right following order.
This viewer is not capable of playing AVI movies. So I continue to try to solve the problem in Blender.