How to scale faces away from each-other based on individual normal axis?

I would like to scale this selection that can be seen below so that its face would get away based on their normals. A bit like doing G + G to each of the verts but basically doing that action to the whole selection at once. I think this type of thing is possible in other 3d packages atleast Modo had this.

Below is an example what happens when I try to scale it.

Thanks, I hope the quesiton makes sense, It was a bit hard to explain

Is Alt+S what you’re looking for?

AS @Xeofrios said, Alt-S, or select the edges in this way and use G-G:

Thanks, alt + s did it. How did I forget this lol

A bit stupid follow up question about similar but slightly different scenario:

how do you move the edge on top on the axis upwards along the edge near the white arrow

G+G does it sideways but not up & down

Edge slide only works on faces, for that you need create an internal face and delete it afterwards,
or you do it for 1st vertics and snap the 2nd vertex after that to the 1st.