How to scatter an instance of an animation over a surface using geo nodes

I have built a character out of spheres, no armature. The characters arm is waving .
I placed all those spheres as a child of an empty and put that group ( empty and all the spheres that make up the character) into a collection and named it “waving man”. I then sourced that collection called “waving man” into geo_nodes using a collection_Info node and scattered it over a surface. The problem is, Only the empty is scattered the children are not going with it.

Considering how I have made it, how can I scatter instances of this animation over a surface.

Hi Jettam,
are you sure that all of the objects are in that “Waving Man” collection? Or are there some sub collections inside of it?

WavingMan.blend (135.0 KB)

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I have simplified my scene, and I have an animated scaling cone instanced and distributed over the face of a cube. The original is animating but the instances are not. Any idea why I don’t see the scaling animation on the instances?

Answered on your other topic:

Also it’s because you had the Reset Children checkbox active! As the name suggests, it will reset the transformation of the children inside the collection (i.e. overriding your animated scale).