How to Scatter multiple object in 1 axis, or propotional scatter

If you know scatter/displace xyz of element 3d , that was the effect i was looking for, i can do it with proportional edit but once you make a keyframe all of the other parts returns to its orginal place…please help.

No blend file so very hard to help you here my friend…

Anyway, I presume the various parts are in the same mesh object, if not, then as separate meshes the effect you want is even easier to achieve. So if they are in the same mesh object they need parenting to an armature with a bone for each part, vertex groups for each part and an Armature Modifier. Simply move the bones and keyframe the movements to show the effect you want. You can even use drivers, or Animation Nodes so the effect is automatic when you move one bone.

Hint, post a blend file for us to see what you have done, then you are more likely to get answers.

Cheers, Clock. :beers:

Hi, thank you for replying ,i’ll try what you said, i tried animating it manually,it works, kinda. I’ll look up drivers next…

sorry i dont usually post in threads forgot to post blend. next time will do.

A simple Transform Constraint will do the job nicely, here’s something I threw together in 15 minutes:

scatter.blend (506.9 KB)

Enjoy! Just run the animation.

Cheers, Clock. :beers: