How to select and move an invidual bone?

I am trying to do some tutorials on armatures, but I am having some problems.

Say I create an armature with 3 bones. In edit mode I can select the bone (by selecting the start and end points) and then rotate, etc. But when I leave edit mode I can only select the entire armature, not any of the individual bones.

I’m rather certain I must just be missing something obvious.


Assume you missed th pose mode Shift+TAB (bones are blue not selected, bright blue selected)

I am not quite sure what you want do to, try to be more specific…

But there is also a 3rd mode for Armatures, which is “posemode”,
and you either use the key-combination: CTRL+TAB (during when armature is selected in objectmode) or click on the little dude looking like a smiley icon in the headerbar…so the bones turns light blue, and then you can animate them in this mode, and do some contrains settings…and select each bone with Right Mouse Button (RMB)

to get the best documentation, check this, I hope it will answer most of your questions:

some here as well:

just browse through the documents and check for “character animation” and see other than the above links I gave you, i you can find something worthy :slight_smile:

Good luck!


CTRL+TAB is correct :wink:

Thanks guys! Yeah, I didn’t know about “Pose Mode”.

All set.

you’re welcome :wink: !!

shit :expressionless: :smiley: (Why always so picky :wink: )