How to select only VISIBLE elements...


New to blender, but not 3D.

Came from Cinema 4D… (still my fave, but…)

Selecting elements in Blender can be quite frustrating…

How do i prevent blender from selecting elements on the back side??:confused:

Turn on the depth buffer (button next to the face, edge, vertex modes).

Once on you won’t be able to select back faces.

Thanks much, CD!

thank you too !

…sure would be cool if there was an “instant search” function! Almost like a google search field… a little window that, at any time, you could type in a word, like extrude, or bevel, or UV, or culling - whatever - and when you press enter it shows you a complete list of references in the software… also it would be cool if the search function could be very smart - for instance… if you type in polygon (what if you came from Mya, or 3DStudio Max, or Lightwave, or Wings3D, or Carrara, etc… they ALL call everything by different names…) it would not only find all functions in blender that are related to FACE ~ Polygon, N-Gon, Face ~ and identify their location in menus, buttons, hot-keys, and the manual - it would also translate for you in case you typed in “extrude”, but in Blender it’s called something else… It would realize that you are looking for Spin - or WHATEVER equivalent… 'twould be AWESOME!

Hey cyborg dragon thank you too…I just knew that button function only now…