How to select the right UV (Map Input)?

I updated from blender 2.45 to 2.48 and can’t figure it out whether this is a bug or not:

Map Input/UV: “Set name of UV layer to use, default is active UV layer.”
Did that, but all I get is a red alert marking that there is no such picture. Well, in 2.45 I had to write the same picture name that was used in UV/Image Editor.

I’m pretty sure this is not a bug but more likely there is simply a new and well documented way to do it, but I just couldn’t find it. (What key words could possibly be the proper ones to google such a search?)

Ignore stuff about the uv layer in the Edit/Mesh tab.The default name is UVTex.
In the UV/Image Editor press Alt O and find the image.
Moving a blend file can cause Blender to lose the image location on the hard drive.