how to select the viewing camera

can’t find / google the way how i change my view to the selected camera. How is this done ?


Num0 will change your view to the active camera.
Ctrl+Alt+Num0 will set the active camera to your view.

The camera can also be locked to your view in the “N” toolbar under the view panel.

thx for reply. Seems when i hit Num0, it switches back and forth between the “Camera” and the “User Perspective”

Seems i just found another good way with selecting the cam ; then Ctrl Num0 to set the selected camera as active ; then Num0 to select it.

how do i make this camera now the one to render the scene ?

(how can i insert the images here in original size ?)

how do i make this camera now the one to render the scene ?
The scene is rendered from the current active camera so select it in the Scene settings or use the shortcut you show in your previous post

… now i’m looking through the active camera, but seems the render window is not updating. How do i refresh it ? Is there a way to make it refresh automatically when ever i change the camera settings ?

How do i get the images i paste in the post to be in original size rather than a thumbnail ?

ok gotit, i needed to hit the render button again