How to separate parts of a single object into multiple objects?

I’ve always wondered how to do this. What I mean to say is select certain vertices or what have you of a model, say a hat of a character, and pull that out into it’s own separate model.
Another thing, I was curious if it’s possible to apply physics to a selected portion of a model, for example apply some soft body physics just to a character’s gut but leave the rest of the model unaffected.

is select certain vertices or what have you of a model, say a hat of a character, and pull that out into it’s own separate model.

Select vertices in Edit mode, then P -> Separate Selection makes the selection into a new object.

to apply physics to a selected portion of a model

Yes, by defining vertex groups and specifying them in the Goal, Mass, and/or Effector Group fields, depending on the effect you want, and weight painting.

Select the verts/edges/faces that you want to be in a separate model and hit “P” to separate them. Or you can hit Space bar and type “Separate” in to get to the command that way.

Yes you can apply soft body effects to part of the model. This requires that you weight paint the model to tell the modifier which verts to affect and how much. Watch any soft body tutorial and they will go though the details of this.

Thanks a lot! I always forget to try trial and error with the search, probably would have found the separate function. And thanks for the rest of the information too, very handy :slight_smile: