How to set extrude to free, instead of along normals

Pablo Vazquez posted this on his twitter page, it might be a nicer workflow for the organic modelers:!/venomgfx/status/103957966209826818/photo/1/large

In preferences>input set the extrude operator assigned to E to be: mesh.extrude_region_move

Enjoy the freedom!

Yay! I have been wondering how I could do this. Thanks for posting it. :slight_smile:

Thank you thank you thank you, that was one of my biggest fusses with 2.5
Is that what I am a organic modeler?

Wow, that is really cool! Thanx! How did you find the fix?

Wow, that is really cool! Thanx! How did you find the fix?

It’s easier than that…

Press E to extrude then tap the ‘Z’ key. You’re free!
Continuing to tap ‘Z’ will cycle you through ‘global Z’ , ‘normal Z’. and free extrusion.

Works with the X and Y keys too, but you have to tap 3 times because for some peculiar reason, free extrusion is the final option in the cycle for those axis

Thanks! One key to extrude again, just like the old days! Workflow back to usual.

It seems that when the Blender team implements new things, they set them as default, so that we know
that they’re there. But I had Looked for the way outta this one…

Thanks again to all those responsible!