How to show groups in outliner under "All Scenes"?

Hi there,

coming from Maya, I’m just starting with Blender and I’m getting along quite well with it. Now I stumbled about an issue and I hope you can help me: in my case I imported a very large mesh from an .obj file. This file contains an assembly that once was created in a CAD application, but now I have no hierarchy. There’s just one single mesh that contains all sub-objects, so I started extracting these sub-objects by selecting a face on them, then selecting all connected faces with a shortcut, and then separating the vertices selection into a seperate mesh. In order to keep things clear I wanted to put the seperated sub-objects to groups (like I always did in Maya). I can succesfully create groups, but how can I see them in my “All Scenes” or “Current Scene” hierarchy in the outliner? They only appear when I explicitly set the outliner to “Groups”, but then I can’t see the rest of my scene.

Is there a way to show groups in “All Scene” or “Current Scene” mode in the outliner? Thanks in advance!

Split the outliner to show both Groups and All Scenes/Current Scenes