I think I should have done this in Illustrator first, but now that I have my vector here in Blender, can I simplify some of the curves? I think some of them could have less points.
I already went to the objects that had no curves and deleted extra points and converted those to Poly to get rid of handles…
Is there a away to just get rid of certain handles (for example, the letter P) I have handles on the areas with straight lines which are not needed.
Maybe a screenshot would help - I usually just set my handles to vector to get the sharp turn I need, and auto for most of my round curves. Deleting verts from the curve most time will simplify them, but be careful not to take out too many that you don’t have your intended shape. Are you working from text that is converted to a curve perhaps? You might try adjusting your curve resolution maybe, I don’t know if it is possible before you have converted to a curve.