How to simulate cloth properly

I try to learn about simulating cloth, so I followed a few tutorials online and then tried my first attempt without a tutorial.

My scene just has a plane (for the cloth to fall on) and another plane as the cloth.
Since the cloth isn’t just two-dimensional, I added a Solidify modifier and gave the cloth plane a thickness of one millimeter. I applied the solidifer modifier.

But when I animate my cloth to fall on the plane it looks like my cloth is made of two layers of fabric (like a pillow case), so the top of the (former) plane folds in one direction and the bottom of the (former) plane folds in another direction.

Is there a way to animate my cloth as if it is just one layer of fabric, like a dish cloth?

Put the solidify modifier after the cloth modifier in the modifier stack. Make sure your cloth plane is subdivided into enough quads.


I added a Solidify modifier and gave the cloth plane a thickness of one millimeter. I applied the solidifer modifier.

This is perfect, but I think you forgot the most important …
You must subdivide your object “Cloth”, otherwise it is considered as a single face. . . therefore non-deformable

I subdivided it, and it deformed, but the top face and the bottom face of my solidified plane weren’t connected, so the deformation looked like it was a pillow case (two layers of fabric). Adding the solidifier modifier after the cloth modifier did the trick (like tobbew mentioned).

Hello! Since there is not a “proper” way of doing anything in 3d, anything could be valid. In production we usually use a simpler, single-sided geometry as simulated cloth and it drives the actual renderable high poly geometry via wrap (surface deformer modifier in this case). This way you can simulate more detailed cloths than just using a solidify modifier.