I got the front and side view of a violin
This surface is very complicated
My guide lines are then:
Front view - the violin contour --> minimum height
Side view - The violin middle -->maximum height
i did a poly line as the middle height to help me set the nurbs curve
the top - bottom are more like 1/2 circles
The middle a complicated shape
now if i used the nurb curve to set the shape of the violin surface which is a
a 3D curves with gradient in X and Y.
i don’t have any guiding line between the top and minimum height for this 3D surface
What would be the best way to model with nurbs
do only one nurbs curve and skin which seems to be very difficult
brake it in 3 parts - top - bottom and middle part then skin theses
Nurbs in top and bottom following the circle shape
Any tough from peoples with experience on Nurbs curves
Tanks & Salutations