How to: Smoothing / rounding edges

Hi all. This is my first post, so be kind. :slight_smile:

I’m working on a spaceship and it has some sharp edges that I want to round. The result should be something like if bevel is applied to a cube.

How can I do this on a more complex model?

On the image I have marked one of the edges I want to round.[/img]


welcome aboard.

you should consider using the ‘Bevel Center’ python script packaged with Blender.

While in edit mode, select the edge you want to bevel, and then use the Mesh menu of the 3D window: Mesh > Scripts > Bevel Center

Edit: you have the start of a good clean model, there :wink:


Thanks for the reply.

I tried the script but get the following errors:
Using Python version 2.4
‘import site’ failed; use -v for traceback
File “<string>”, line 349, in bevent
File “<string>”, line 381, in bevel
File “<string>”, line 119, in make_faces
File “<string>”, line 88, in get_v
File “<string>”, line 63, in make_sel_vert
NameError: global name ‘v’ is not defined

I assume this means that it can’t import the latest scripts and that I have the version with the bug mentioned here:
So I’m going to work on getting a later version of the script. :slight_smile:

I checked, I also have the same problem as you.
keep us informed if you find an updated version of the script :wink:



thank you Fligh %… I regularly roam this newsgroup but somehow I missed that one :wink:


Thanks for the help. It works fine.