How to spread one single texture on multiple objects faces

Hello everybody. I hope this is the right place to post this question (if not, please forgiveme).
I want to make a moving advertising sign, where 10 different cubic objects design a single face where I want to place a single texture (ex. advertisement banner), and when these cubic objects rotate, on the next face a different texture have to be displayed, for a total of 4 different textures (4 different ad banners).
My problem is how to spread one single image along each little piece od these objects faces.
I attach a picture of my artwork to make clear what I mean.

One quick question: do you want each side of the corresponding cube faces to share the same texture, or do you want them displaying different parts of the same texture?

If it’s the latter, the simplest way would be to assign the faces on your cubes meant to display a specific advertisement to their own material, then do a quick Project From View unwrap. The end result will look like so…


Perfect, I will try it.
Thanks so much for your tips! :slight_smile:

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