I have broken down a curved mesh into its individual faces and separated them as independent objects. With ‘Set Origin to Geometry’ I placed the origins properly. Now I want to replace the separate faces with a mesh using ‘Object Data’, but I want to use the face-normal orientation of the faces for the alignment. At best it would be if I could transfer the respective face-normal orientation to the relevant Origin orientation. I didn’t really find anything on the internet and I don’t understand enough about Python to write a little script for it.
Are there other ways to do this for many objects in a reasonable time?
I will help you if I can, although I’m not sure what you want to do. I think you want to set the object’s origin to a particular face, then adjust the object so that face is square with the major axes. If so, I made a simple mesh to show one way of doing that. I created a cube, scaled it 2X along the X-axis, then grabbed the right edge of the top and moved it downward. The idea was to take the slated top surface and make the origin centered on it and make it square with the X,Y, and Z-axes.
The steps (as shown in the attached drawing were: 1> select the top surface, then Cursor to Selected, and in Object mode, Transform > Origin to 3D Cursor; 2> Select the top left edge, then in Mesh Display > Edge Info > select Angle (although it’s a little hard to read, the angle is 107.863), 3> In Object mode, rotate around the Z axis (107.863 - 90.0 = 17.863 degrees). You can see in the final image (4) that the origin is in the middle of the top face and the face is perpendicular to the Y-axis (and parallel the the X-Z plane). Of course, the same procedure could be used if the face was originally tilted along more than one axis.
Don’t separate the faces, instead set another object as a child to that object and enable face duplication. That way you get an object on each face. You can make those objects real if you want, and each will have their own orientation, and all of them share object data.
Thank you for your time. It doesn’t quite fit my problem, but it’s still very useful.
Don’t separate the faces, instead set another object as a child to that object and enable face duplication. That way you get an object on each face. You can make those objects real if you want, and each will have their own orientation, and all of them share object data.