How to treat children in the forum - I want the age of all users shown at any time

why? easy…

To prevent such threads where i get told to jump off a bridge, prolly by some child:

I don like eradicors response. however i can understand him. kBOT with ~4500 posts and 1.5years in this forum posting a work the average user could do in 5 mins.

Thats y i asked for the age of kBot. I will certainly not bash a child, i suspected he might be quite young… btw. with the age of “almost 11” you are not legally allowed to accept the terms of use of a forum. it is similar to a signature and you have to be 13 at least. but i actually don´t care. its fine for me.

however i want the age of all users shown, so you can evaluate a work accordingly.
For a 10 year old, nice work, encourage him, no bashing he can still learn and has a different motivation and will certainly not have the skill of a mid 20 with years of using 3D CG software.
As where there are others, around the 20, showing their “Pro” work, reacting harsh to constructive critisism, which mostly deserve some sharp words.

I doubt that Kbot is 10. He’s probably 40 or something, with a great sense of humour.
He’s a nice guy :smiley:

I can well understand the practical reasons for this, but really, that is the sort of personal information you should never divulge in forums and chatrooms.

No doubt he is a nice guy. But what you make of his post?
Bash a child, that will prolly never touch blender again then?
Encourage him, and prolly telling a 40 year old to continue wasting his time and have learned nothing in a year?
be gentle just because he is still a child?
you cant tell.

Yeah, like your address, phone number, social insurance number, bank account…
but the age? thats paranoid. or are you afraid the russian mafia tracks you down because they need the kidneys of a 20 year old male and you match that profile?
I´ve even met ppl on the net who refused to tell their real first name… because it is too risky… sure… btw. people you have interacted with for over half a year…

Is it about age or it is about how that person think, what`s in his/her MIND?
the age topic I think your somewhat right but personal information Dude.
and if they reply there age it can not be right any way. (who knows)

I second the OP. I happen to be looking for the kidneys of a twenty year old male.

They sell for alot these days.

I don’t want the age to show, personal information and all that jazz. Plus, if the person is younger it’s not unlikely you can find it by his responses. Mental age is more important.

And showing my age makes me depressed… :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, exactly like that. First your age, then your name, get to know you, where you live, would you like to meet…

If your trying to find the average ages of the people in this forum, then you should do a poll
with several options such as:

What is your age?

  1. 0-5 yrs :slight_smile:
  2. 5-10 yrs
  3. 10-15 yrs
  4. 15-20 yrs
  5. 20-30 yrs
  6. 30-40 yrs
  7. 40-60
  8. 60-…

Try something like that, people aren’t intimidated by polls :slight_smile:

The thing with criticism is that it always hurt in a way but without criticism many wouldn’t be a good artists today. Others will always see something with fresh eyes.

Kbot is just a useless spammer. To ask people not to be harsh for the ugly thing he made, won’t make him a better artist. I say that kbot has to suck it in.

Yeh thats a good point.

I know of some very old members here which are more annoying that 13 yr olds. Mental age is a pretty random thing…

I get your points…
But with telling the age is nothing wrong.
Actually one just needs your actual IP and some black magic and he knows more about you than you ever want to show. Maybe your MAC too, then one could track you even with a dynamic IP. But thats another topic.

I assume this forum is not the target of the average child molester. Then again, 10 years old aren´t event permitted to sign up to a forum legally, maybe because for this reasons.
But knowing his age, in this case kBots would make it more easy to respond.

Put it in another picture,
Your child comes to you with some DIY Birdhouse… and it looks like a wooden cabin after an avalange, followed by an earthquake.
Would you tell your child that it is complete crap and looks like sh** or encourage it to make a better one next time?
Then a carpenter apprentice comes to you, learning for 2 years straight with the very same house.
Wouldn´t you tell him, maybe to change his profession, that hammer and saw isn´t the right thing?

So in this very example, knowing the age of kBot and reacting accordingly to it, could very well mean to make him work harder in blender, or never to touch it again.

This is a common Problem with blender anyways…
Its free, so everyone gets his hands on it. I see it every day. One makes a green Cube with ears and calls himself a CG artist.

As for the age, mine is public available… i am almost 30… and now… what you know of me personally?
You will neither be able to find me in the world, nor will we possibly ever meet in RL.
And then again, there is the topic of underaged, who maybe tell too much if they get asked…

maybe this thread should be called, ban all minors from the forum… then again, like nickster pointed out, eventhough kBot is a spamBot, he´s a nice guy, harming no one… so why should i want that?

16, I like The Doors.

Ehrm… no.
But maybe i will do a poll why people post replys without reading the OP.

Because they hate bigbad :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually kbot is 31, he’s said that to us more than once.

I agree that mental age is more important, because kbot’s mental age is about 12 or so.:rolleyes::wink:

Edit: lordcooper, we don’t hate bigbad! We LOVE him to death!:smiley:

I just turned 50. Hah. I beat out all you weenies.

Well, I don’t really think that anyone could do much with just your age, other than re-evaluating his/her opinion about you.
Which would be for the better :smiley:

If people know they’re kids then yes, people will be nicer to them, BUT at the same time people won’t take them as seriously as they might like.[cough cough]

Showing the age is pointless. Heck, 90% of myspace users falsify their age anyway…