How to upgrade a plugin to make it work using float ?

Hi everybody,

I am trying to develop a plugin but I’ve got the “no float, upgrade plugin” message in Blender.

Does anyone know how to upgrade a plugin in order to make it work with floats ?

Thanks by advance !!!

we need more info… os, blender version, how you are compiling your plugins, etc to be able to help you much…

the error you get means that the plugin was compiled as ver 3…(with an older version of the plugin headers) Float aware plugins are either ver 4 or (as of blender 2.43) ver 5.

is your code actually float aware? does it also work with char buffers? -> a plugin needs to be able handle either type now.

Then all you need to do is update your plugins/include folder to current cvs and recompile your plugin.