How to use Displace Modifier in generated coordinates?

Hello. I’m currently studying blender, using “From noob to pro” wikibook, and here is the thing.

It’s a coastline, which I got, combining results of two tutorials. And now I want to edit it. The problem is, that land displacement is made through procedural texture in generated coordinates. And there is no such option in “Displace” modifier (which, as I understand, must be used to apply displacement to mesh itself).
If I try to apply local or object, I get this

So, please tell, what should I do to make new displaced mesh be exactly like it was with procedural texture?
If you need a blend file, here it is: Coast0.blend (1.78 MB)

You need to change the size of the displacement texture. In the texture panel, change the size of the GroundDisp map to something like 10 or more.
The slider only lets you go up to 2.0, but if you enter the number with the keyboard you can change it to whatever you want.

There is also a Landscape AddOn where you can make adjustments to the terrain and get visual feedback in the scene as you make changes. The AddOn is OFF by default so you have to activate it under User Preferences. Search for “Land” under the AddOns TAB. It is called “A.N.T. Landscape” (Another Noise Terrain). It allows you to mix together a lot of noise options to produce a variety of landscapes. The resulting object is a MESH with no modifiers applied.

Unfortunately both variants are not good enough (I apologize for not answering earlier - kinda caught up in some other things).
“Coast” mesh has different dimensions (height - 5 and width -60) and texture size (for modifier) can be changed only for all dimensions at once.:frowning:
And “A.N.T. Landscape” wasn’t satisfactory either. Also it wasn’t quite convenient, that I had to make landscape for flat surface first, and than edit it.:frowning:
I also tried to bake the texture to UV map, but for some reason “baked” texture was not the same (colors) as original generated one.:confused: