Making a dynamic dropdown Menu in a Panel

So I understand how this code snippet works, I actually stumbled across the same stack exchange post when I was trying to make my list dynamic. I was able to make it work this in print statements in the console, but I wasn’t able to draw that list in a dropdown menu with selections.

In this example the start of your the enum list is defined as items = [] and in the solution provided by @anon72338821 I see it is defined in a property group. This is the solution I think i need as I want to pass the input to an operator.

I also want the list to dynamically change depending on the context of what is selected.

So if I defined my enum similar to this

class TemplProperties(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
     proplist : bpy.props.EnumProperty(name = "proplist", items = ( )

bpy.types.Object.customprops= bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=TemplProperties)

So in the example you provided they are using items.append
So I tried something similar to:

class MyPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
    def draw(self, context):
        obj = bpy.context.object
        props =["proplist"]
        bone_path = obj.pose.bones["bone-name"]
        for y, x in bone_path.items():
            props.append(f"{y}", f"{y}", f"{y}")
        enum = items[props.proplist]

Now when test this code line by line in the blender python console I get this error

AttributeError: 'EnumProperty' object has no attribute 'append'

So I assume .append doesn’t work for enum props, or my syntax is bad. In the doc I was able to find a set function in the enum docs. So its my usage that is wrong.

Based on my reading from the docs what I think I need to do is: I need to create a new operator similar to .append give variables to my enum prop for me and then call that operator in my FOR statement. Which i what I meant by custom getter/setter.

I did some research and found this post Add/remove EnumProperty items? - Coding / Python Support - Blender Artists Community which clearly explained the disconnect I have with this quote

So essentially I have my iterable variable in my bone_path I have my Enum prop in my group I am only not understanding the some function to generate the enum items.

Will do more reading when I can, i think the solution is in that post i just linked so i just need to break it down for myself.