How to use Optix Denoiser


there are so many options to denoise your image. What is the correct way to use Optix?

I can enable this:


and this:

what does all these settings?

Optix works directly on the render. You don’t need to activate denoising data.

Denoising data is to use the denoiser on the compositor, and you don’t have Optix denoiser on the compositor.

You just need to select what passes it needs to use to compute the denoise on this last section you have shown.

Activate it and select what you want to use.

I select only the color, cause until now the denoisers have some problems dealing with glossy objects and normals.

ok i’ll try it. thx

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The compositor based denoising is often better in my experience. It makes sense to use optix in viewport and disable it for render and send the noise passes through a denoise node in the compositor.

If I dont use the Denoise node my image dont get denoised at all. Even though I have checked the Optix denoiser:

Can someone explain me what this checkbox in the view layer properties does? I dont get it.

You need to select this “denoising” and the input passes to work. The only thing you don’t need is to activate the denoising data if your intention is not to use the denoiser in the compositor, specially if you decide to use optix which is not available in the compositor anyway.

You need to activate that to tell the denoiser which passes it needs to use during the render.