Hi, I’m trying to get started on some basic sculpting practice, but one aspect that I find difficult when translating on tutorials is how to use the grab tool.
Guides like https://cgi.tutsplus.com/articles/sculpt-model-and-texture-a-low-poly-skull-in-blender--cg-7 (Step 5) show clean extensions of the original UV sphere, but my efforts end up appearing with sharp edges, hardly extending past a certain grab area, and look unnatural.
The screenshot gives the impression that your sculpting brush is very small, could it be that? Press ‘F’ and drag your mouse or pen to enlarge your brush size, then click to confirm.
An alternative cause could be the shape of your brush curve. Open the Curve section in the sculpt settings and change it to a different curve.
Also, the tutorial you’re referring to is very old (from 2009), and uses a very old version of Blender.
I’ll refrain from posting too many images of the same UV sphere with the different curves, but while there is some improvement, each corner of the skull was left-clicked and pulled by the grab tool under different curves, and it still ended up being that unnaturally, rigid mess (not to mention the fact that it only seems to be applying on one side, yet I believe that’s an issue with the mirror modifier or lack thereof)
Brush size helps, but doesn’t seem to make that huge of a difference.
Right now you’re stretching relatively few polygons. My advice is to activate Dyntopo sculpting mode, which automatically generates new polygons as you sculpt. Press Control + D or go to the Dyntopo section in the sculpting tools to activate Dyntopo and change settings. You can read more about the settings here.