can someone kindly make a step by step on how to use Virtual Light?? some of you said there’s an export plugin for blender but i couldn’t find it on the virtuallight home page and i tried reading the user manual but its too overwhelming
hope you guys can kindly help
sorry i don’t have anything to show but i was thinking this question should be asked here since u guys are talking about virtual light
If you read the documentation closely and carefully you ought to be able to figure out at least the basics of VL. It’s pretty easy to use–easier than Lightflow, in my opinion.
You use the export script just like you’d use any python script in blender… open it in blender, alter the save path variables for your system, and hit alt p.
oh man i think i’m just dumb…can’t get it working, bunch of erros after i pressed alt p on the text side. but thank you for the tutorial i will bookmark it and reread it after my exams are done