How to work with imported nurbs models (nurbs->obj) with messy topology?

I am working on a product animation and I only have the nurbs objects. I exported them to obj so I can continue working in blender.
Obviously the surface now has a messy topology with many triangles and lines which makes it hard to work with.
Especially the tiny holes on a rather big surface are giving me a headache :frowning:
Any tips on how to clean stuff like this up? Are there any addons you use?
Payed ones are ok for me :blush:

Here is a picture for reference:

Thank you for helping! Much appreciated!

I have done similar projects (this is not an advertisement)

Sometimes I ended by creating new part from scratch, sometimes I have been using weighted normals modifier a lot to get as low shading errors as possible, sometimes it was easier to mask some artifacts. Overall I was happy with it :wink:

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The usual NURBS-to-obj answer would be retopology recommendations. But for a product animation the first consideration is usually not spending more resources (mainly your time & money) than you’re getting for the job. So I’d start with:

Hard to work with how? Most of the “obvious” issues with messy / trigon topology won’t apply to a hard-surface model with a camera animated to swoop around it. Are you having shading issues? Blender has some solutions for that which don’t require retopology (if you’ll be doing the animation in Blender, and if that’s the problem you’re having). Do you need specific images on the surface of the product, so you want to make a good UV map? Decals don’t require retopologizing the object, and might be a better solution. Are you rigging the object into a character, so it needs to look good flexing in ways the product itself never will?

If you really do need to retopologize, do those holes need to be modeled in, or should they be baked into a normal map? 'Cause that’s two different retopology issues, and different retopology addons (or separate apps) are often better at one than the other.

Given that the product may (now or in future) be recognizable, it’s understandable if you don’t want to reveal too much of what you’re working on. But more info on what you’re going for and under what restrictions would probably help people here to help you.


Any reason why this might be problem ?? Tried to do some similar topology… there seems to be no problem on the left using smooth sahding and autosmooth with ~15 degree using cylinders with only 32 vertices…


Thank you for your advice and thoughts!

I don’t know where and when, but I heard that the more geometry you have the longer the render times will be. So I try to optimize it a little.

I know N-gons are not the absolute worst, especially if they are just 2D flat faces, so I actually work with them. I still asked this question because I also see this as some practice for me and maybe I can learn somthing new from you guys :blush:

But especially later I need to create some UV Maps and a clean topology would help me there (I guess?..).

My biggest problem is: Too many triangles and overall bad topology make it impossible to Alt+Click fast closed-vertecies-selections and have a fast workflow. So this is also a reason why I try to clean up the very messy parts of the object.
But I also know I dont want to spend too much time on this because the creation of this animation is not payed by my working hours :smiling_face_with_tear:
Anyway thank you for your time writing a response :wink:

Moi3d ($299 US) and Rhino ($995 US) can create quads from nurbs surfaces and save in OBJ file.

Also plasticity for 149 $ (indie license, or studio with more features for 299)

Edit: Well no actually, the “subdivisible” quad part is for curved surfaces, so flat stay flat either as a single quad, ngons or triangles according to the export settings.

Just use limited dissolve, but it’s gonna leave a big ngon with two edges that can’t be removed except if you add more edges and localize them as you want and then dissolve the edges you don’t want after. (It’s a bmesh thing, so blender doesn’t fully keep a single big ngon with multiple corners or holes, for example in a circle with lots of segments with single ngon this doesn’t happen)